



    nicola moss

    systemic coach & family constellations facilitator

    energy, sound & earth medicine


    Getting to the heart of what matters

    to restore flow and take a healthy step forward in life

    Welcome to this pilgrimage called life - journeying to discover and meet all parts of yourself


    When feeling lost, numb, searching or in crisis, it is my belief that our soul is calling for us to embark on a journey within, to follow that inner swirl and explore which areas of life feel misaligned.


    I'm a systemic practitioner and l am here to support you on a multi-dimensional journey to

    - reveal & understand the root cause of what is blocking you and your energy field

    - find clarity & release what is not yours to hold and re-member all that belongs

    - create space to heal and connect with the alchemy your heart

    - discover what truly matters to you in this deeply human experience of life

    - connect with the extraordinary in the ordinary

    - and create a life attuned to your soul's calling


    Through systemic exploration in 1:1 sessions, group constellation circles and retreats in nature, I create space for you to slow down, presence and breathe deeply again.

  • Each and every one of us belong to a multitude of systems

    The family we are born into, schools we attend, groups of friends, teams we work with, organisations we work for, communities we engage with, the society we live in, religious and spiritual beliefs, countries and cultures we are born into and the ones we live in.


    Each system may have an overlap or varying set of beliefs, standards, values, expectations, go's and no-go’s interwoven with our emotional DNA. Some forces are visible, many are invisible. These often hidden forces create our dynamics and behavioural patterns, without us knowing it’s happening.


    In systemic coaching and constellations, as we take a step back we allow our bodies to speak their mind while we explore, enquire and reveal what has blocked or interrupted the flow. By allowing the unseen to be seen we can re-member what has been forgotten or suppressed and integrate the resources we need to take care of our souls.

    Groundhog Day

    Do you find yourself caught in an unhealthy repetitive pattern, illness or self-sabotaging behaviour?

    Whether in a personal relationship or work situation do feel you've tried everything and keep on ending up in the same situation?


    Systemic coaching and constellations

    support you to connect with the root cause of the dynamics that are playing out in your life. These sessions help reveal unconsciousness entanglements, limiting beliefs, mental blocks, and discover what will resource you to connect with your core and take the steps needed to feel liberated calm within

    Endings and Beginnings 

    Has a significant personal, family or work relationship ended or in the process of breaking up, and you feel lost and do not know how to get back on your own two feet and healthily navigate the months ahead?



    Endings and beginnings.

    Systemic constellation and ritual supports revealing what is needed to support good and healthy separation which in turn creates space for clear new beginnings moving forward

    Family Dynamics

    Are you curious to explore how family history and dynamics consciously and unconsciously weave into how you show up and respond in life, love and work?


    Family constellations are an embodied experience that reveal unseen family and wider systemic dynamics (such as the cultural, educational, faith, political systems we are born into) and how they have shaped us. Systemic exploration supports to reconnect with wisdom from the past, identify and release ourselves from entanglements and suffering, and in doing so helps find resources to stand in good and healthy relationship to self, others and life moving forward

    Soul Weariness

    Are you feeling exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally fatigued, overwhelmed by the demands of life and those around you and have no idea how to move forward?


    Systemic coaching and constellations as well as soulful sound medicine sessions will support to rebalance your nervous system as well as find resources to support you in every day life

  • Systemic Exploration

    "Health is being in the right place" ~ Bert Hellinger


    Subscribe for updates here

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    Systemic Coaching & Constellations

    Restoring flow in life, love and work

    I'm a systemic coach and constellations practitioner with a lens on family systems, offering 1:1 guidance, group constellation circles & retreats in nature.


    I draw on my deep journey with family constellations work (Systemic Consciousness with Lynn Stoney), as well as team and organisational systems (John Whittington, Coaching Constellations Ltd), Co-Active Coach (CTI), and Career Coach (Firework Ltd.). I am also a Reiki Master and Sound therapist, in which I am supported by my Medicine Drum, Himalayan singing bowls and tuning forks. I am continuously working with masterful teachers, therapists, shamans and elders, attending experiential journeys and training to deepen my learning and wisdom in service of the greater whole. I believe in going deep and trusting this pilgrimage called life.


    My holistic approach supports your personal inward journey whilst navigating a significant professional or life transition. I believe everything in life extends from the relationship we have with ourselves and that personal growth and healing are closely interwoven.


    Systemic exploration allows us to look and begin to see beneath the surface as we explore our internal and external worlds and how we stand in relation within and between them, tapping into our embodied sense to understand how all aspects are connected and interlinked.

    Whether in 1:1 or group sessions we explore personal, family, work or business related question or challenge through internal and external energetic mapping.

    By taking a step back and seeing and feeling a situation in its entirety, we experience the whole picture of what is true. This enables us to see from a quieter place and feel where a balance or imbalance lies within the topic that is being explored; systemic exploration reveals useful information, helps gain perspective, insights and which inner or outer movements are needed to feel more ease and flow moving forward in life.
  • Work with Me

    Systemic coaching, family constellations, heart-led business & leadership, shamanic practices through energy & sound medicine, are the threads that weave throughout my work and daily life.

    Each of these threads support identifying and releasing blocked energy and bringing balance back into healthy living.

    I have combined them in a range of heart-centred and soulful offerings. You are guided to explore a question or topic that is currently present in your energy field and you are curious to find your true next step to take in life, love and/or work.

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    1:1 Soul Sessions

    * 1hr Systemic coaching

    * 120 minute stand-alone systemic constellation

    Sliding scale payment available

    Soul Connection


    We will embark on a journey that deepens your learning about yourself by identifying areas of your life that are calling for your attention. I'll support you to slow down to tend to what needs tending to to live in true alignment with your heart and soul. We shine a light on parts of you you may have bottled away long ago; we'll explore your hopes and dreams and enquire into what is holding you back.


    Soul sessions help recognise current patterns and dynamics that may be playing out by joining the dots between your past, present and potential future.


    My way of working is intuitive and can morph from deep enquiry, soulful guidance, embodied work to pragmatic planning depending on the topic brought to the session.


    Sessions via Zoom, in real life face-to-face in West Dorset, or another location we agree upon.


    Sessions offered in English and German


    Feeling curious?

    Book your connection call here to say hello and discuss how I can best support you

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    Systemic Supervision & Mentoring

    * 1:1 Systemic supervision and mentoring

    * Small self-organised group supervision

    * Peer supervision programme 'Roots & Wings'

    Systemic Exploration


    Systemic supervision and mentoring offers practitioners, coaches and therapists a different lens through which to explore, illuminate and strengthen their relationship to the soul of their work, business and clients.

    Especially as many practitioners work for and by themselves, this offers opportunity to connect, learn, see more clearly, evolve and deepen roots alongside trusted friends and colleagues. The process is guided by systemic principles and through systemic constellations.

    Some themes to explore may be

    * Your relationship with the soul of your business

    * Becoming aware of your own blind spots, unconscious loyalties, and entanglements based on your own family system as well as the wider systemis you belong to

    * How to find the right and healthy place in relationship to a challenging client situation.

    * Healthy helping vs entangled helping

    * Doing vs. Being

    * Deepening your understanding of the systemic principles

    * Exploring new opportunites

    * Cultivating presencing practices to grow your stance as a practitioner

    * This is also space for practitioners to also attend personal work as it often can be the source of dynamics showing up

    Sessions via Zoom, in real life face-to-face in Bridport, or another location we agree upon.


    Feeling curious?

    Book your connection call here to say hello and discuss how I can best support you, either 1:1 or your self-oragnised group that wishes to journey together

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    Healing Movements

    ~ Constellation Circle

    Saturday, 28th September 2024, 10am-5.30pm

    Saturday, 30th November 2024, 10am-5.30pm

    In Bridport, West Dorset


    Family Constellations & Systemic Ritual


    Constellations are not easy to describe, so I'll share this - Constellations are a form of seeing that is deeply moving and can have a therapeutic, healing and transformative effect. For the person bringing an issue, as well as the participants in the holding circle.


    In these circles we create space for an embodied experience for all in the circle, as well as 3-4 participants to bring an issue for systemic exploration. The topic can be around a personal relationship, family dynamic, a persisting stuckness, health or work-related. Anything that feels a challenge can be constellated.


    We set up a 'living map', by inviting people from the holding circle to represent who or what is part of the issue brought to the group. We then tune into the wisdom from the field and representative energy to identify and find what is needed to release from entanglements, hidden dynamics and suffering. In doing so we find strengthening resources to support the movement of the soul that allows energy and life to flow freely again.


    No family constellations experience required to join.

    Min. 4 - max. 12 participants


    Do you feel called to join?


    Please connect to enquire and book your place. If we have not yet met we can schedule a call.

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    Explore the Soul of your Business

    Friday, 8th November 2024, 9.30am-5pm

    In Beaminster, West Dorset


    Exploration through Energy Mapping & Systemic Constellations


    A day of gentle play.

    Offering small business owners, coaches and practitioners in the creative & healing arts a different lens through which to explore and strengthen their relationship to the soul of their work, business and clients.


    This space offers a different way of looking at and connecting with the work you bring to the world, taking a look how you relate to your work, what's working, or not; the founding purpose/energy of your work; the balance of exchange, a space to connect with the emergent future and explore possibility.


    The day will be explorative and playful. A blend of personal exploration, small group exercises and space for 1-2 constellations (whole group participation)


    There will also be time to explore and reflect on the experiences throughout the day, so we can gather insight and collective wisdom.


    No systemic constellations experience required to join.


    Min. 4 - max. 10 participants


    To join, book here 

    or connect for any questions

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    Systemic Journeying Circle

    Sun, 27rd October 2024 @ 4-6pm Bridport

    Mon, 28th October 2024 @ 6-7.45pm Online

    Mon, 13th December 2024 @ 9-10.45am Online


    £30 per session

    Seeing with the eyes of your heart


    I’ll take you on a journey to connect with a topic that currently feels like a weight on your shoulders, taking up a significant space in your energy field - whether personal or work-related (or it may well relate to both).


    Weaving guided mediation, systemic constellations, writing and sound medicine I’ll guide you to tap into your embodied wisdom to reveal what’s needed to do, say, shift to feel lighter within.


    Book your ONLINE session here to join me in ceremony and enquiry to reveal the best next step to feel lighter by listening to the messages of the heart


    To join a session at the The Glow Collective in BRIDPORT, book here


    To book a private group for a retreat or group of friends please connect here for further arrangements

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    75 minutes

    Online and in Bridport


    Nourish and replenish


    These sessions are tailored to the needs of each individual, in support of cleansing and releasing,




    and re-activating the body's natural energy system.


    As a Reiki Master these sessions are rooted in hands-on healing, I also draw on and weave in further healing modalities

    • Singing and himalayan bowls
    • Tuning forks
    • Drum and gongs
    • Flower and plant essences

    These sessions help to clear energy blocks and clear the path for the healing energy to radiate through.


    "Nourishing, deep and gentle sessions that brings balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually."


    Please connect for further details

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    Solo Soul Retreat

    0.5 - 3 days, in a location we decide on together

    From camping to 5* Spa hotel



    Co-created 1:1 sacred space


    Join me in the South West of England or in a place we decide upon together for your very own tailor made retreat aligned to what you need most right now. Whether that is walking and talking in nature, systemic exploration, sound healing with singing bowls, gongs and medicine drum.


    A nourishing space to gain perspective on life, a specific relationship challenge and/or your work. A soulful sacred space where all you need to do is show up as yourself, with no responsibility for anything or anyone else.


    Half a day - 3 days.

    I look forward to journeying along side you.


    Please connect for further details


    Let's connect

    If you feel called to delve deeper, schedule a free 20 minute connection call. No strings attached.


    Book your connection call here 

    or send me a message below


    My Journey








    Me in a nutshell

    Originally from Wales, growing up as a third culture kid in Germany, attending an international school with children from nearly 50 nations, I‘ve been fascinated by people, their cultures and communication from a very young age. And this has remained so until today – whether going to uni in The Netherlands and Spain studying International Business and Social Psychology, travelling the world off the beaten track backpacking as well as by sailboat across the Pacific, or working with corporate executives, creative talents and building sustainable communities with local clans on tropical islands; I've learned the beauty and power of communication with each individual - whether a parent, an employee, CEO, Clan Chief, team member or creative soul - in their own language, figuratively speaking. By watching and listening. My curiosity and love of non-verbal as well as verbal communication runs deep.
    I live close to Bridport in West Dorset, UK.

    Losing me

    This deep connection to communication lead me to the world of advertising - and to cut a very long story short also lead to a major burnout in 2005. I was standing in front of the door to the office and literally couldn’t set a foot inside the building. I froze, my chest cramped, I couldn’t breathe. Thoughts rushed through my head — What am I doing with my life? This can’t be it. I’m following somebody else’s agenda. I feel like someone is controlling my life with a remote control. What’s in all of this for me? Apart from a paycheck, and mental and physical exhaustion? Absolutely nothing of value! I felt numb. I turned around and walked away. At the time I had no clue what to do or who to turn to. All I knew is that I wanted to escape the 16 hour days I was working. Fill my life with more purpose and add value.

    My only identity at the time was the job title on my business card. And through all of this my outward bubbly personality masked what was going on deep within and I kept all my fears and anxiety to myself. I used to compare myself to a duck (this is no joke): on the surface I looked calm and serene, but under the surface I was paddling furiously. I never talked about what was really going on. Covered it up so as not to be a burden on others. It was time to take off that protective armour I had put on on my first day of work.

    Unravelling me

    Since then I've been on a long journey of slowing down, reevaluating life, inner healing, understanding my mind chatter, and rediscovering myself. I attempted change alone multiple times and failed. Only when I opened myself up to the fears and challenges ahead and reached out for support did the real transition kick in. It's been a physical, mental and very emotional journey which took many turnings and has ultimately lead to me following and combining my love of systemic exploration, a wide variety of deep healing modalities, connection to nature and community.

  • What people say

    Kind words

    Andrea, UK

    Coaching and Constellations

    Nicola holds a very sacred, safe and secure space, where there is no judgement only pure compassion with a generous heartfelt warmth. Her wisdom to guide and expand our world view and to see beyond the realms of the mind are simply sublime and wonderful. Nicola is wise and is much much more than a coach!!

    She is a rare and wise healer, a modern alchemist who genuinely cares, and who intuitively feels with her generous heart. Nicola allows you to see outside the constraints of your mind into a more expansive world and wonderful view. Nicola is highly skilled and insightful xxx

    Richard, UK

    Exploring the Soul of Your Business

    'Explore the Soul of your Business' does what it says! Business is made up of people, energy and ideas. This approach taps into all of these through an embodied wisdom that can't be accessed in books and manuals. You are guided firmly, gently and generously by Nicky, with her wealth of experience from the worlds of business and systemic practice. Enter with an open heart and mind, and the truth of the information you can receive, for you and your business, is priceless!

    Megan, UK

    Healing Movements ~ Systemic & Family Constellation Circle

    Joining the family constellation circle is a profound experience of connection with other people and with the unseen web that ties us all together. It’s like having months work of therapy in one session, even if you don’t bring your own issues to the session you still receive the healing through osmosis. I’d describe the process itself as an embodiment activity where participants build a human map of a real life situation, so that the issue holder can navigate that map with help of Nicky’s guidance. Nicky is an incredibly perceptive and intuitive facilitator. She creates safe and welcoming spaces that allow participants to access vulnerable parts of themselves in a secure and grounded way. Through working with Nicky I’ve learned so much about myself, including how to accept and receive support from others. I’ve experienced my body’s wisdom and its ability to connect with the collective field, which still baffles and amazes me. This process is healing in a mysterious way. Thank you for all the profound gifts this work brings.

    Claire, UK

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations

    I heard Nicky talk on a podcast, it was like a lightbulb moment, everything she said made sense to me, especially around the natural rhythms in nature and what we can learn from nature for our own lives.

    Nicky has a very gentle and reassuring way of guiding you to look inside your soul and find the answers that have been there along.

    When I started sessions my main objective was to determine the next steps in my business development. Not only has Nicky supported me in achieving this but she has helped me to understand how my past has affected my present and what makes me a beautiful human. Like opening my heart and seeing how it's designed. This is a truly wonderful gift that she so eloquently guides you through and one that now grounds me but also continues to grow.

    Thank you for being a wonderful human and for offering me a safe place to bare my soul xx

    Haingo, Madagascar

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations

    I come to Nicola for soul level conversations. Nicola provides the space for you to holistically explore the experiences you've had or are having and the parts of you and matters of the soul that you are curious about.

    What started off as career change guidance has naturally evolved into more in-depth coaching and exploration on a personal level. I walk away from each session in awe of how much I am able to process. Her sessions awaken my curiosity and desire to delve more deeply into my life's experiences and relationships.

    Inés, Spain

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations

    Nicola is highly intuitive. We connected instantaneously and I felt like running a sprint while being completely relaxed and comfortable. So calm, so agile and strong at the same time. If you are transitioning, I highly recommend sessions with Nicola.

    Lisa, UK

    Exploring the Soul of Your Business

    "It’s difficult to describe with words as it’s a deeply experiential experience, but I would say if you are curious to connect with yourself on a deeper level or have questions about your life or business that you are struggling to answer, this modality of exploration is transformational, gentle, powerful, light, joyful, loving. It is possibly the greatest gift you could give to yourself if you are curious about yourself and your potential. You won’t regret doing it, I know that for certain!! Once you experience it, you’ll want to do it again.", LJ


    Coaching and Constellations

    The sessions shed so much light on how my behaviours are influenced by something I unconsciously was carrying from the past and helped to free myself of these burdens. At times it came as conscious recognising and "rewiring", but some other times it just felt like I've not even fully understood what it was exactly I've cleared but I just felt more free and liberated.

    I have felt supported, received the guidance I needed, and felt that Nicky was knowledgeable and capable of holding the space for me even when I was going through the hardest of emotions.

    Fiona, UK

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations

    I would highly recommend Nicky. She creates a nurturing, supportive and truly safe space,

    completely free of judgement. She is hugely insightful, really listens and has helped me make

    sense of my relationship patterns much more quickly and deeply than ever happened for me

    in non-systemic therapy

    Helen, UK

    Healing Movements ~ Systemic & Family Constellation Circle

    An opportunity to take time out and get back in touch with yourself. It’s not just for confronting painful situations, but for simply getting to know yourself better and feeling a little lighter.


    A very unique experience, lead by a deep sense of kindness between everyone in the group. Nicky’s guidance through the constellations was so in tune, she brought a calm and sense of freedom to the space that allowed me to put the everyday aside and really dig deep. I will definitely do another session to nurture this new connection I have found with my self

    Sarah, UK

    Healing Movements ~ Systemic & Family Constellation Circle

    It is a practice worth experiencing first hand. I felt such a connection to the other stories in the room. Nicola is very experienced and the insightful and empathetic way in which she holds space for others, made me feel safe enough to really go deep into the work. I am totally sold!

    Katherine, UK

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations

    Nicola has a peaceful and healing energy. Coaching has taught me coping strategies, it gave me an outlet so that emotions didn’t overwhelm me at the wrong moments. It helped me develop a positive mindset and take action that would move me forward. It helped me discover who I was and what I cared most about so I could build a new life around that. Most importantly it gave me back a sense of control.

    I wouldn’t be where I am without it and I would recommend coaching to anyone who is looking to move forward in any area of their life. As I became stronger the coaching shifted to focus more on building a new career and a new life. I can’t imagine there will ever be a time where I won’t benefit from such a positive and encouraging activity.

    Having an inspiring person like Nix as my coach is just the icing on the cake.

    Rowena, UK

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations


    Sessions with Nicola is at once calming and invigorating; an exploration that allows the whole self to be present and honoured.

    Nana, Germany

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations

    Heart opening!

    Nicola's holistic approach has supported me to gain clarity and voice my desires and needs in all areas of my life. She has offered and co-created rituals with me which have lead to significant and sustainable shifts in my daily routine as well as my work. Understanding and living in alignment with my values help me to stay true to myself and to my path in life.

    Kevin, Germany

    Systemic Coaching and Constellations

    Nicola has a unique ability to draw out the deeper things in people. She is very intuitive, deep and gentle. If you are seeking personal transformation, then I can highly recommend Nicola. I myself have deeply benefited from my coaching experience - it has changed so many things, not least my understanding of myself, my values and clarity on my life's direction and purpose. I now savour my life more fully. Thank you so much!

    Marianne, UK

    Systemic Journeying Circle

    This was such a wonderful, insightful workshop - a beautifully crafted and paced 2-hour session in which to explore individually whatever each of us was bringing. Nicola is a really wonderful teacher, guide and space-holder and she has created something really special. I will definitely be back for more, and would recommend her whole-heartedly. Thank you so much

    Emily, UK

    Systemic Journeying Circle

    Nicky was brilliant at facilitating such a powerful session, with a group of people, especially since we were online, and enabling us all to create change within the facilitation. Really never had a session like it, and the combination of mediation, sound, writing and placement and movement of objects is just so unique and special. Nicky is a fantastic facilitator with great strength to hold space and help transformation.

    Batul, Germany

    Systemic Coaching

    I have been working with Nicola for over a year and it was the best investment decision I could have made. She opened my eyes to underlying problems, their root causes and helped me understand how to move forward and guided me to change my attitude towards my personal and business life.

    Alissia, UK

    Systemic Coaching

    I was recommended to Nicola when I was feeling confused in my career path and couldn't see what was missing. Nicola’s coaching style is so refreshing, it was exactly at the pace I needed at this time. Her insightful intuition and questioning allowed me to reconnect with the answers that were already within me. Having rediscovered what I am wanting I have been able to make the changes to move forward connecting to the things that are important to me.

    Thea, UK

    Spirit of Nature Workshop

    Nicola has a gift for storytelling and provides a comfortable and inviting space for people to discover more about their own nature through connecting with the natural world outside.

  • Thoughts and sharings

  • Let's connect

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